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Tuesday 13th December 2022

Queen of the South William Hill Championship

The Kings of Queens - Robbie Boyd

While the cinch Premiership takes a brief break for the 2022 FIFA World Cup, we’re celebrating the 30 fantastic lower leagues clubs who light up the SPFL each week.

We chatted to Robbie Boyd to tell us all about his affinity for Queen of the South.

How would you assess your club's 22/23 season so far?

A real mixed bag, some quality moments and some seriously head scratching ones!

Main Man: Favourite current player and why

It’s between two at the moment. Personally, it’s Ruari Paton. His drive, energy and commitment is always there, and I’m glad to see the goals and assists follow. Secondly, and probably more collectively, it would be Lewis Gibson.

I think everyone particularly in the lower leagues loves to see a local lad, and a fan of the club come through the ranks. It also helps when they are a decent player and that’s certainly the case with Lewis. I don’t think it’s a surprise our results have turned round since he’s had a run in the team.

What is your earliest memory supporting your club?

For me this is an interesting one and it’s a story I love telling time and time again. Despite not growing up a Queens fan, it’s a family connection to both the town and club. My great grandfather Thomas Coupland played with Arrol Johnston FC and was at the formation meeting on March 21, 1919, and lent a hand in the founding of Queen Of The South Football Club. 

“Grand Tam” played in Queens’ second ever game and went on play 59 times for the club before leaving to join Dalbeattie star in 1922 when fatherhood called. 

My granny moved down to Dumfries to work at the Crichton as a mental health nurse for the soldiers coming back from the war when she was just 14.

My papa met my granny in 1943 they married in 1948 and won the pools in 1955 and they won enough money to build a house in none other than Terregles St (the street where Palmerston Park is located).

Game-wise would have to be the 2008 Scottish Cup final. I think three quarters of Dumfries were there. My parents went on holiday just after the match and they said the area was a litteral ghost town. There was blue, white and yellow everywhere on the day.

Explain the nickname

“The Doonhamers”- A person from Dumfries, Scotland. People from Dumfries say ‘am gan doonhame’   

Or my personal favourite the “Super South” because we’re from the South, and well… we at least like to think we’re super!

Almost Famous – What is your club best known for?

The seagulls that steal your chips and pies on the concourse, the tallest floodlights in Scotland and of course being the only club mentioned in the Bible.

Greatest Gaffer: Your favourite/most loved boss watching your team.

I might be showing my age here but I enjoyed our spell under Gary Naymsith, which was when I first started attending games. Stephen Dobbie couldn’t stop scoring so I look back at that time with real fondness.

Can you tell us one interesting fact about your club which other fans may not know?

Here’s one I found out recently doing a uni project. Did you know in 1924 Queens were only 1 of 3 teams in Scotland to request that women be allowed to play football in stadiums in Scotland - a law which was never passed by the SFA until 1972.

The boys in blue and white are pioneers of equality!

Who would make your ultimate all-time 5-a-side team?

  1. Alan Ball - 700 odd appearances even let school boys train with him!
  2. Tom Coupland - Forgive me Queens Facebook group but I need to include Grand Tam here.
  3. Nobby Clark - To come to Palmerston and have done what he had achieved already at 25 I think would have been a real coup, for the time plus I needed some defensive reinforcement for my front 2.
  4. Tommy Bryce - Hopefully that’s everyone on the Facebook group back on side, someone who when watching old videos back looks an absolute player.
  5. Stephen Dobbie - No reason needed.

What is your all-time favourite match?

Easy one this, the day my wee cousin was mascot! Will never ever forget the pride, wee Ryan running out onto the park dressed in the commemorative kit, that was a spin off the original Queens kit in 1919, the same one that my great grandfather would have worn, with half of Clan Coupland in the stands watching on, running out onto the turf 100 years on was just magnificent. Oh aye, and we horsed Dundee United 4-1 that day aswell!

What should visiting fans make sure they see/do when visiting your club/town?

While I’m not a drinker, there’s a few famous pubs with quirky wee stories here such as the Hole in the Wa’ and The Globe, where a certain Robert Burns used to frequent.

What makes your club special to YOU?

I could talk all day about my affiliation and love for this club. Despite not being born in Dumfries or born a Queens fan, I certainly am now. The town and club is part of me and something that I’m so proud of.

Two tales give a sense of how welcoming Queens have been.

When discovering my family history with the club – they gave me a full guided tour of the stadium, into the dressing rooms and even a kickabout on the pitch.

Secondly, when my father passed away the second call I received was from Queen of the South to offer their support and condolences. They also helped arrange a minute’s applause at the next match v Partick Thistle at Firhill (who were my dad’s team.)

It was a powerful and poignant day and just one of the reasons why I love Queen of the South so much.

You can follow Queen of the South's progress every week in our SPFL Lower League Round Up - watch the latest edition now!