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Friday 22nd March 2024

Tackling vaping addiction

The SPFL supports a government campaign to tackle the issue

In Scotland, it’s illegal to sell vapes or e-cigarettes to anyone under 18, or to buy them for someone who’s under 18. But this doesn’t stop young people from getting hold of them.

The Scottish Professional Football League supports the Scottish Government's campaig to tackle vaping addiction.

Young people are particularly vulnerable to nicotine addiction and more likely to take health risks and discount the future consequences of their behaviour. Nicotine addiction can impact young people’s mental health, making then tired, stressed and anxious and it can affect their concentration and impact their ability to learn and study.

E-cigarettes contain some potentially harmful chemicals, similar to those found in cigarette smoke, although at a much lower level. While the long-term effects of vaping are still being researched, it’s thought they could have negative effects on the health of the heart and lungs but there is currently insufficient evidence to assess this.

Getting help and support If you’re concerned about your child vaping, you don’t have to cope with the situation on your own.

You can talk to your GP or call Quit Your Way Scotland on 0800 84 84 84 for advice and support.

For more information visit and
